Who are we ?

Giving some meaning to our occupation and enjoying ourselves at work!
This is what we had in mind when we started the Quat’rues adventure in 2006, selling organic, ethical tee-shirts.

Ever since, with a lot of pleasure – and some work too, we have been looking for inspiration somewhere between our vision of the world and what it really is, to create original, committed, off-beat or surprising visuals… always in the spirit channelling us, namely, to offer organic, fair-trade clothes and accessories which make sense, to allow you to dress your difference!


Harold, aka the diplomat

He is the one answering the phone! He is the voice of Quat’rues, in constant contact with customers and retailers.
A level-headed guy, he is the careful and inventive manager of the Quat’rues adventure.

Clovis, aka the crafty one

Juggling his way between logistics and creativity, he has the gift to handle collections deadlines, partnerships and relations with our suppliers.
An avid traveller, he is Quat’rues outspoken ambassador !

Adrien, aka the wombat

Discreet, but always on the look-out, one eye stuck to his camera, he captures the incredible poses of our models on film (well, ok, on an SD card…), between two snapshots of the Machu Pichu, of the Piton de la Fournaise or Helsinki.

Quentin, aka the doodler

Drawing is his thing. Whether in a travel-log, on a canvas or on clothes, it doesn’t matter as long as it is about telling something.
But don’t ask him how much a Quat’rues tee-shirt is, he hasn’t got a clue..