As the year draws to a close, Quat'rues is donating 3% of the total value of your online orders to ActionAid France.

A way for Quat'rues to support a project we believe in, by inviting you to (re)discover the remarkable work of this association, which fights to defend human rights.


ACT!ONAID France - Peuples Solidaires

ACT!ONAID France - Peuples Solidaires

Since it was founded in 1983 under the name Peuples Solidaires, the association has made its own the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".

ActionAid France is a registered charity and has been affiliated to the international ActionAid federation since 2009. Its members are associations and committed individuals.
Through the mobilisation of their activists, the association puts pressure on governments and companies to respect economic, social and cultural rights.
ActionAid France relies on international solidarity to build a fairer world, acting alongside rather than in place of women and men who are campaigning for their fundamental rights to be respected.
Their 4 priorities are:
- Food sovereignty and development
- Women's rights
- Corporate social responsibility
- Dignity at work

These are all issues that affect Quat'rues, as they are directly linked to the principles of fair trade, and which we have not hesitated to address in many of our visuals since we began.

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