Amnesty International

Amnesty international

A global movement of more than 7 million persons who make fighting unfairness their personal businesses. They campaign for a world in which anyone could claim their rights. le guide d'achat éthique

An online guide to help consumers find information to make their purchases as ethical as possible. The eco-sapiens know their purchases have an impact on the environment as well as the living conditions of every living things. They favour ethical, organic, fair trade products.

L'épicerie équitable en ligne

L’Epicerie Equitable

The Epicerie Equitable (Online Fair Trade Grocer’s) was born because we all have to do our part for sustainable development and because it is up to everyone. You’ll find many food products that respect the values of fair trade.



For 45 years, Greenpeace has been taking non-violent actions to protect the environment, biodiversity and to promote peace.

This association aims at giving information about and promoting a responsible form of consumption, that takes into account the issues of environment protection, public health, solidarity and the fight against all forms of social exclusion.

La guinguette des Singes

La guinguette des Singes

The association "Les singes" (the monkeys) wants to promote art and citizens’ culture through various events. The goal is to invent places that aim at creating social mixing in and around Grigny.



Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations that work together throughout more than 90 countries. One person out of three lives in poverty worldwide. They are determined to change that by mobilizing citizens’ power against poverty.

RESF Réseau Education sans frontière

Réseau Education sans frontière

RESF is a solidarity network that supports and helps the children of undocumented families and the undocumented schoolchildren. It is made of collectives from the schools they attend and the neighbourhoods they live in, it advocates civic disobedience.