Solidarity operations, partnerships and events with ethical companies or associations. Who and how to communicate with Quat’rues?

Quat'rues - ActionAid France partnership! 8% for you, 8% for them!

From 15 October to 3 November 2024, 8% discount on your order and 8% for ActionAid France with the code ‘barbante’.

A partnership with ActionAid - Peuples solidaires

With the code "surchauffe" 5% off your order and 10% for ActionAid France!

Amazon, the trial Act 2 - an action led by our partner I-Buycott

The association I-buycott, supported by V for Verdict and hundreds of citizens, has just taken Amazon to court to denounce its fiscal incivism.

Arthropologia, insects and biodiversity, take action!

Until December 31st, you can choose that Quat'rues donates 3% of the total of your order to one of its partner associations.Arthropologia is one of them.

Partnerships galore... and you?

A lesser-known facet of our business is the customisation of organic cotton clothing for various partners.

With Elevages sans frontières, donations lead to other donations

With the "Milky Way" project, for each animal received, families commit to donate an animal born from their breeding to another poor family.

Fight against modern slavery in times of lockdown

With the re-containment, our precious gifts allow the Committee against Modern Slavery to continue to protect and best support vulnerable and invisible victims.

#JePortePlainte - BLOOM - against the destruction of the ocean and the disappearance of artisanal fishermen

File a complaint to counter the immunity of the Netherlands, which takes advantage of the mistakes of the European Commission to continue electrofishing.

Fairtrade organic panties from Quat'rues products

Marie-Pierre's magic hands transform Quat'rues organic and fair trade t-shirts into underwear!

Quat'rues bread bags

Quat'rues organic and fair trade t-shirts transform into bread bags.