As you regularly discover on the website, at Quat'rues, we know how to make beautiful clothes in organic fair trade cotton with the visuals we have imagined, designed and printed for you!
But there is also another, lesser known facet of our activity. That of customising clothes for different partners whose action speaks to us or drives us. Whether it is for an association, an ethical company, a sports club, a school... we offer to enhance their visual identity by customising the organic clothing of their choice.
We have collaborated with a number of organisations such as the audiovisual creation collective LES PARASITES, the friendly boycott platform I-BOYCOTT, and recently the CYCLES BLAIN bicycle shops and the organic and local food concept TRATTINO.
But also the climbing clubs GRAL or ESCALADE EN MAYENNE, the high school LAVOISIER...
But these partnerships also give us the opportunity to go further in the approach by working on the graphic creation of the visual as with the RESEAU EDUCATION SANS FRONTIERES, the development aid association OXFAM FRANCE or the informal and citizen think tank Mr MONDIALISATION
So if you too are part of a structure that needs to communicate on its image, through products that respect man and his environment, don't hesitate to call on us!