Ending destructive fishing methods and the expansion of fishing pressure around the world is one of the goals of BLOOM.
Three years of the NGO's campaign with artisanal fishermen for the ban of electric fishing led them to a historic vote, the European Parliament deciding in January 2018 for the total and definitive ban of electric fishing in Europe, vote that resulted in a settlement in August 2019.

But that was without counting the utter immunity the Netherlands enjoys within European institutions. Indeed, the country has continued to violate European regulations on electric fishing with impunity.

Today, BLOOM calls on citizens to flood the European Commission with individual complaints so that infringement proceedings are opened and all illegal licenses withdrawn.
All you need to do is complete this simplified form to file your complaint with the European Commission!

Filing a complaint will have no legal or financial repercussions for you. It is simply a citizen act made available to Europeans.

Do not hesitate to share the information around you for the protection of marine fauna and the environment!

#JePortePlainte (#ComplaintFiled)

Until December 31, you can choose to have Quat'rues pay 3% of the total of your order on the site to one of our partner associations.
The BLOOM association is one of them.

Je porte plainte (complaint filed) BLOOM