Small hole, blurred screen printing, faulty mounting... the reasons that prevent us from selling you our organic and fair trade t-shirts are numerous.
If we sometimes send complete lots of defective products to associations in need, it also happens that our t-shirts are cut, unstitched, assembled, sewn... in short transformed, to become something else.
Something useful as long as you do it!

Here is an example today - useful if you have some designer skills and some worn t-shirts, you can easily apply it for yourself or your loved ones - The bread bag carrying a evocative or committed Quat'rues visual!

Isabelle and Véronique took their courage in one hand, t-shirts in the other, cutout , sewn, transformed some of our defective t-shirts to make beautiful bread bags .

And since their generosity is at the height of their talent, they donated it to the organic market of their village, Le Chapi, encouraging residents to adopt local and reasoned consumption habits.

sac a pain bio équitable