Visual « Vélo » (bicycle) - Véhicule pour Epris de Liberté et d’Oxygène

The "Vélo" visual, which has been in the collections for 10 years, is one of the most popular of the Quat'rues visuals.Here is more about this theme that is close to your heart.

New things

Partnerships galore... and you?

A lesser-known facet of our business is the customisation of organic cotton clothing for various partners.


Price changes

Unfortunately, we have to increase some prices slightly. You will find out why in this article.


It is not that we are selfish...

(Humour note with sarcastic overtones)

New things

Quat'rues around the World

What do you look like in Quat'rues?


Your clothes come from Asia, is this consistent?

This is a very legitimate question that we are often asked. We try to answer it.

New things


They inspire us...

New things

Rights and wages for textile workers!

Let us ask the clothing brands that signed the Accord after the Rana Plaza disaster to extend it beyond May 31, 2021 and express our solidarity with the victims and survivors of this terrible accident.


Quat'rues Old School

Quat'rues will soon be celebrating its 15th anniversary. Let us serve you the Quat'rues "Old School"!

New things

Do you wanna bee the next ? - Or why are pollinators essential?

There is a very beautiful love story between the plant world and the animal world: pollination.
