Fast fashion, a mode of consumption harmful to living conditions and the environment

Many brands are flooding the market with cheap, low-quality products. Why should you avoid buying clothes from fast fashion?

Organic and ethical consumption

Why is growing organic cotton better than growing conventional cotton?

Quat'rues fair trade products are made of organic cotton. Why this choice?

Organic and ethical consumption

Why fair trade clothes?

We explain why Quat'rues has chosen to work with clothes from fair trade sources.

Organic and ethical consumption

Histoire vécue - 1


Et maintenant ?


A fairer Christmas for less inequality?

At Quat'rues, we want to believe in a future of generosity, equity and solidarity!

Organic and ethical consumption

Green Friday, for a more responsible consumption

As a counterpoint to Black Friday, more and more companies and associations are participating in Green Friday.


Global warming, for Christmas, what a boon!

As the planet warms up, the Quat'rues team is rubbing its hands at the idea of selling many more ethical organic cotton t-shirts.

New things

A t-shirt for the 2022 Worst Cup

Worst Cup 2022, a ball that spills a lot of blood...


New Quat'rues collection... welcome to degrowth!

We are living "the end of abundance, of the obvious and the carefree".

New things