Why fair trade clothes?
We explain why Quat'rues has chosen to work with clothes from fair trade sources.
A fairer Christmas for less inequality?
At Quat'rues, we want to believe in a future of generosity, equity and solidarity!
Green Friday, for a more responsible consumption
As a counterpoint to Black Friday, more and more companies and associations are participating in Green Friday.
Global warming, for Christmas, what a boon!
As the planet warms up, the Quat'rues team is rubbing its hands at the idea of selling many more ethical organic cotton t-shirts.
A t-shirt for the 2022 Worst Cup
Worst Cup 2022, a ball that spills a lot of blood...
New Quat'rues collection... welcome to degrowth!
We are living "the end of abundance, of the obvious and the carefree".