No, François Ruffin, we do not agree! Keeping your products on the gargantuan platform until it pays its taxes is inappropriate.
We have already been asked to sell our clothes on this platform or others that are not much better. Should we have accepted, in order, as you say, to access people and be able to convince them with our socially and environmentally committed messages?
People, whoever they are, have now heard about the desire to boycott Amazon - the reasons / actions are numerous, encouraged among others by associations such as Attac France or Les Amis de la Terre - and if they do not inquire no more and continue to buy on the platform without asking any questions, we doubt that you will be able to convince them with your books ... which are for sale on this same platform!
In this risky justification advocating your right to be wrong, you unfortunately encourage many people - who read you and are therefore certainly already aware of the problems of overconsumption / waste / excessive capitalism - to consume on Amazon, thus giving them the best An excuse to do their end-of-year shopping there: "F. Ruffin sells his books there, why shouldn't I do my shopping there ?!"
Because you forget to write in your text, and this is perhaps the most pity, that many alternatives now exist!
(That said, this regrettable text does not take anything away from the passion and the enthusiasm that you put into the service of those who have difficulty making themselves heard).