The universe of Quat'rues sticks to reality and current affairs - Society, environment, consumption are the themes dealt with by Quat'rues visuals.

Quat'rues around the World

What do you look like in Quat'rues?

Rights and wages for textile workers!

Let us ask the clothing brands that signed the Accord after the Rana Plaza disaster to extend it beyond May 31, 2021 and express our solidarity with the victims and survivors of this terrible accident.

Let's take a walk in the woods (while there are still some ...)

Three more months before Environment Day 2021

Another 3 months to wait before Mother Nature takes pride of place. Man, attentive and delicate for a day, will then put on the table these thorny problems linked to this Environment, which, frankly, could make an effort to adapt to Man.

In their memory...

I dreamed your name

Emmanuel Macron must keep his commitment to the climate

Emmanuel Macron and the government are unraveling many measures taken with a commitment to the climate.We must remind him of his promise!

Sell books or clothes on Amazon?

How many will consume without complex on Amazon following the position of François Ruffin? How much will he contribute to the enrichment of Jeff Bezos with these flawed justifications?


In 2020, from Wednesday November 4 at 4:16 p.m. (*), women work for free

Let's help our local artisans, traders and booksellers

Let us try to help our local artisans, traders and booksellers to survive this second wave.