In this strange world, let's not forget...
On the one hand, a virus that silences musical instruments, on the other, bloodthirsty lunatics who make gunpowder talk.
However, let's not forget.
At a time when guns sound more than guitars and trumpets, when death seems to take precedence over life, when culture seems to be forgotten and the cult of obscurantism on a pedestal, let us not forget.
Let us not forget not to give in to panic, fear or hatred of the other, to racism.
Let's not forget the smile of our kids.
Let us not forget the beauty of the world and its diversity.
Let's not forget that things can change for the better.
Let us not forget that there is a more or less distant future when we will be able to go again to the New Year's concert in Vienna, to the Garnier Opera or to a Fest-Noz, hand in hand, nose to the air, with our friends, children and grandparents.
Finally, let us not forget that pandemics, terrorist threats and wars of all kinds are the daily lot of many inhabitants of our planet.
Let us not forget, then, to think of them and to help them.
Solidarity is the key. We are the solution.
We are together...
Illustration of the article - Quat'rues visual "Haut les mains"