
Three little words that, so often heard and repeated, sound like a joke, a wink to the hurried and disturbed humanity.

But not us. No, no, no. Not us!
Especially since the start of the pandemic, we have relearned to take our time. We sometimes work from home and we have given back importance to the real values of life.

And yet...

Are we not, in spite of everything, still lulled by this litany of sacrosanct words, which regulate our lives, as well as those of billions of people living on the Big Blue?

Don't we get up 5 days a week, 47 weeks a year, not for pleasure, but to connect our wagon to this common loco-motivation, this will to make the world go round as some, a handful, have decided?
Do we not remind our children daily of the importance of making a place for themselves in our society?

Didn't we vote in the hope that the new master of thought would shape a better world for us, where money remains King, secure and deciding everything?

What do you want!?

It is not that we are selfish, but it is so important to keep our descendants safe from want. We don't choose. It is the rules that are set. The Euro-regulator of our lives leaves us little time. Let us accept the fact and the rhythm imposed.

Let's not get caught up in these new alternatives proposed by a few crazy and lazy utopians. Eat local, sort your waste, dress fairly, sustainable development, carpooling, green energy. Poppycock.
All these charlatans eager for solidarity are condemned to live in autarky, far from the world and its realities, often not far from poverty themselves. Let's face it.

Help yourself and heaven help you. Help your neighbour and he will shit in your hand. For what does your neighbour want? The one who lives two hours by plane from us - and sometimes much closer - in deplorable conditions that even our dogs wouldn't want. What does he want? Let's be clear! Our place. He wants our place!!!

He wants to be able, like us, to buy designer clothes without having to answer to anyone - especially not to his boss who makes him work 12 hours a day for a miserable salary.
He wants to be able, like us, to take a well-deserved holiday at the same time as everyone else, slumped on a crowded beach, stuffing his face with organic fruit imported from the other side of the planet.

He wants to be able, like us, to drive his 4*4 around town, alone, cushy, and empty the contents of his ashtray out the window if he wants to.
He wants our lives!
And would he think of us, then, if the roles were reversed? Do you think so?

So let's be reasonable and stop thinking that there could be something for everyone. There is no rich without poor. It's them or us.

Let's not blame ourselves. What the hell!!!

La part du gateau 2