This Friday 25 November is Black Friday, a commercial event during which brands and retailers offer "exceptional" discounts and promotional offers.
It's an opportunity for everyone to rush to over-consume products with disastrous social and environmental impacts at lower prices, and to fill the pockets of the already very, very powerful :/
But fortunately, the resistance is getting organised and structured, around collectives fighting against hyper-consumption and for a more responsible and reasoned consumption, like Green Friday and Make Friday Green Again.
Quat'rues is now a member of these groups.
Quat'rues is now a member of these groups. As such, 10% of the sales - of our organic cotton clothes from fair trade - on Friday 25th November will go to a partner association - ZéroWaste France - and we will not practice, as every year, any kind of promotion, out of respect for the planet and for the workers who make our clothes.