The Quat'rues team, with this visual "Homo Eradicus, wants to point the finger at a disaster that everyone has heard of, but that almost everyone pretends to ignore: The sixth mass extinction.

The UN has been working on a report on the state of global biodiversity for 15 years. The figures already given make you dizzy: almost a million species are now threatened with extinction.
Some scientists say that this state of affairs is as worrying as forecasts on climate change. This rapid and imminent acceleration of the rate of extinction of these species will have a direct impact on the balance of the ecosystem, Man and his economy .

"It is a sad thing to think that nature speaks and that mankind does not listen." - Victor Hugo

Quat'rues visual "Homo Eradicus", for children, women and men, on organic cotton and fair trade clothing.

visuel engagé Homo Eradicus Quatrues