What's new in the world of organic and fair trade clothing Quat'rues?
Find here the new collections, ethical fairs and markets and solidarity operations.

Why don't we have any sales at Quat'rues?

At Quat'rues, we don't do sales.Why not? It os not the ideal time to offer very attractive prices? Many brands and consumers take advantage of this!

Global warming, for Christmas, what a boon!

As the planet warms up, the Quat'rues team is rubbing its hands at the idea of selling many more ethical organic cotton t-shirts.

New Quat'rues collection... welcome to degrowth!

We are living "the end of abundance, of the obvious and the carefree".

Dress up your difference! Yes, but how?

A medium first. Ecological, responsible, fair. And last but not least, a visual. Our identity, our soul.

THE NATURE IS LOOKING AT US: at the end of the year, make a donation to support biodiversity

Until December 31st, you can choose that Quat'rues donates 3% of the total of your order to one of its partner associations. Noé Biodiversité is one of them.

A part of your purchases on Quat'rues website is transformed into donations

This year again, Quat'rues offers you the opportunity to transform part of your Christmas purchases into donations to NGOs and associations!

Visual « Vélo » (bicycle) - Véhicule pour Epris de Liberté et d’Oxygène

The "Vélo" visual, which has been in the collections for 10 years, is one of the most popular of the Quat'rues visuals.Here is more about this theme that is close to your heart.

It is not that we are selfish...

(Humour note with sarcastic overtones)

Your clothes come from Asia, is this consistent?

This is a very legitimate question that we are often asked. We try to answer it.


They inspire us...