I dreamed of your name.
Falling to the bottom of the ocean or in a shell hole, I tried to catch up with him. In vain. Sami, Amena, Fahti or Reem. I'll never know.
I will keep buried within me, like a treasure, like a burden too, the intensity of your gaze. The one imploring my kindness, my understanding, my help.

But don't blame me. What to do from my cozy sofa? What to do other than watch you sink into the abyss of human monstrosity?
I have three kids to feed, a boss to satisfy, rent to pay.

I would like to tell you that when everything is better for me, that mine will be safe - it will happen, they have promised me - I will come to the rescue of your little brother or your niece before they do drown or fell under a shower of shells.
But that would be lying to you. It would seem that money calls for money. He calls her so loud that the noise covers your cries and tears. These do not pay dividends.

But I promise, I will keep buried inside me, like a gift, like a punishment too, the intensity of your gaze.